
Play dark age of camelot free shard
Play dark age of camelot free shard

The following types of names are subject of the enforced rules Names, Last-Names, Guild-Names and Horse-Names In cases where only ingame functionality is used, for example setting your pet to aggresive and going to bed:Ģnd offense: deletion of all characters and 14 days banĦ.

play dark age of camelot free shard

The staff may decide to not go forward with the deletion if there are mitigating circumstances. It is allowed to bind multiple actions to a key, however, delays, repeats, and conditions are strictly forbidden.Īutomated, unattended gameplay of any kind is forbidden.ġst offense: deletion of all characters and 14 days ban Macroing, Scripting and Unattended Gameplay / AFK Farming


This includes but is not limited to:Īny hardware or third-party software, altering movement speed of your character, revealing positions of enemy players (as Radar), Jump-Hacks, Client mods that change weather pattern, fog, terrain, or object positions.ĥ. You may not modify any part of the Dark Age of Camelot client. RPs, BPs and XP will be deducted at our own discretionģrd offense: Permaban for all involved Players RPs, BPs and XP will be deducted at our own discretionĢnd offense: 4 weeks ban for all involved accounts. One offense is counted against each involved account:ġst offense: 3-day ban for all involved accounts. If, after 10 minutes, the test fails, the ban will be applied If one of you has to AFK for more than 10 minutes, make sure to log out of the game as you might get tested for dual logging. If you try to play different realms in RvR zones, it will be considered cross-realming. If you play from the same household (example: husband and wife, father and son etc.) you must play the same realm in RvR zones. The remaining account will receive a 3-day ban.Ī perma-banned player is NOT allowed to create a new account!ĭo NOT lend your account to a permabanned friend. This includes creating an additional Phoenix account when banned or suspended.ġst offense: Warning and all but 1 account will be deleted. Measures are incorporated to detect multiple user accounts. There may only be one account per person and each person must have their own computer, if you have fewer computer than people you can share the account(s), we have 100 character slots per realm per account. If a player has multiple punishments and/or warnings on his account, we will take the liberty to take individual action and assign appropriate punishments.ġ.1 Multiple Phoenix accounts are not permitted.

play dark age of camelot free shard

Please respect this rule.Īll our rules, where applicable, refer to the game, the forums, and discord. As we are an international server, English is the main language in all public channels of discord, in-game and on the forum unless the channel/forum is named specifically.

Play dark age of camelot free shard